Just as everyone has Rings & Traits, everyone has Skills. However, while Traits define who and what you are, Skills define what you know and what you can do. Thus, Traits largely represent potential, while Skills portray the fulfillment of that potential. Like Traits, your aptitude is measured in Ranks, ranging from 0 (for a Skill you are utterly unfamiliar with) to 10. Skill rolls usually involve an XkY roll, where X is your Skill Rank and Y is your Trait (or Ring, Honor, etc.) Rank, in addition to any other modifiers. When such rolls are called for in the rules, be it in Skill description, Okuden descriptions, or anywhere else, they are usually written as: Skill/Trait.
Unskilled Rolls
Often, you will encounter situations where you do not have Ranks in the proper Skill needed for a task. Usually, you can attempt the task anyway. This is considered an Unskilled roll, and only very complicated Skills or Emphases will bar you from making an Unskilled roll. When making such a roll, you make an XkX roll, where X is the Rank of the appropriate Trait (Ring, Honor, etc.). Your dice do not explode, nor can you make any Raises or benefit from any Free Raises. Okuden and Kiho can never be used with Unskilled rolls.
If you have only 1 or 2 Ranks in a Skill, you can choose to make the roll Unskilled; you're still incompetent enough to succeed by accident. However, if you have 3 or more Ranks, you must make normal Skill rolls; you have conformed to the Skill's accepted and conditioned methods by then, and there's no going back.
Skill Groups
The array of Skills are grouped into four general categories, based on what value society places on each: Bugei, High, Low, and Merchant. Some are considered glorious or honorable for samurai; others are disgraceful to know or use. Some Skills may even belong to one Skill Group normally, but certain uses or knowledge by a certain type of person may make it considered a different Skill Group (such as a High Skill used in a dishonorable manner, making it a Low Skill in that situation).
- Bugei Skills: Bugei Skills are most often favored by bushi, metsuke apprehending criminals, and other combat-oriented members of the samurai caste. They represent weapon skills and other physical, combative actions. Great skill in such areas is considered glorious.
- High Skills: High Skills are most favored by courtiers, artisans, and other socially interactive samurai. They cover a variety of social, artistic, and scholarly skills. Great skill in such areas is considered honorable.
- Low Skills: Low Skills are considered shameful to practice or even know. Samurai do not practice such things... at least, not publicly.
- Merchant Skills: An odd middle ground between High and Low Skills, Merchant Skills are not considered inherently dishonorable. They are practiced by most of Rokugan’s population, but are too “dirty” for samurai to associate with, except in just the right circumstances.
Skill Subgroups
Subgroups are focused more on application and less on cultural concerns, and vary more their importance. Every Skill belongs to a Group, but not to a Subgroup. Different Subgroups function more like “tags” that interact with other mechanics, such as Okuden or Qualities, or regulate some other special rule among select Skills. Even if a Skill is not “tagged” as a certain Subgroup, but shares a term in its name, it remains in that Subgroup. Thus for the Lore Subgroup, it is a Lore Skill if that's part of its name, such as Shadowlands Lore.
- Bujutsu Skills: Any Skill that directly involves the use of a weapon in combat is a Bujutsu Skill. In addition to its normal combat use, a Skill / Perception roll can determine a weapon’s Quality. Do not use this to give yourself an unreasonable advantage, because only a wanker would use a Raise to declare that his opponent is suddenly wielding a Poor Quality katana. Most Bujutsu Skills are Bugei Skills.
- Artisan Skills: These Skills involve creating objects of permanent art. They differ from Craft Skills in that the items they create have no obvious practical use, other than sheer beauty. They can, however, be combined with Craft Skills to produce items both practical and aesthetically pleasing. Most Artisan Skills are High Skills.
- Craft Skills: Craft Skills involve making permanent, useful items. Craft Skills differ from Artisan Skills in that they create objects for a practical purpose. Any Okuden or Quality that applies to an Artisan Skill can apply to a Craft Skill, as long as it is only used to make the item more beautiful. Most Craft Skills are Merchant Skills.
- Karate Skills: Any Skill used in unarmed combat is considered a Karate (“Empty Hand”) Skill. This is used mostly by gakusho and heimin, but even most samurai are given some rudimentary jiujutsu training, and sumai techniques are considered very honorable.
- Lore Skills: Lore Skills involve learning and knowledge, usually resulting from the study of centuries of accumulated study.
- Performance Skills: Similar to artisan Skills, the goal of a Performance Skill is to bring beauty to the world. Use of such a Skill does not usually leave behind a permanent item.
- Social Skills: Any Skill that involves non-physical interaction with another person is a Social Skill, and its use is a Social Skill roll. Any Opposed Rolls involving Mental Traits (Awareness, Intelligence, Perception, or Willpower) of a non-violent nature, even if it involves Skills that are not normally Social Skills, are also Social Skill rolls.
Mastery Abilities
Certain Skills have Mastery Abilities, bonus abilities granted by high Skill Ranks. All Mastery Abilities are cumulative unless noted otherwise. In addition to an individual Skill’s listed abilities, all Skills have the following Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3 (Kohai): You are no longer a novice at the Skill, and can be expected to have some basic proficiency. More advanced practitioners will consider you kohai (“junior”), and you can longer opt to make an Unskilled roll. This and further Ranks also contribute towards your Insight.
Rank 5 (Sempai): You are a respected practitioner, and others (except for sensei) will call you sempai (“senior”). You gain a Free Raise when using this Skill.
Rank 7 (Sensei): You are considered a master, often referred to as sensei (“teacher”). The number of Raises you make when using this Skill are not limited by your Void Ring. Further, you gain 2 Free Raises when using the Skill.
Emphasis Abilities
Most Skills have Emphases listed with them. An Emphasis gives you specialized knowledge or ability in a narrow area of expertise within the Skill, although it may or may not be necessary to use an ability of the Skill. A roll involving an Emphasis will be written as: Skill (Emphasis)/Trait.
Emphasis Cap: You cannot have more Emphases in a Skill than you have Ranks in that Skill.
Skill Bonus: When using a Skill in an area where its Emphasis directly applies, you can add your Skill Rank to the total of your Skill roll. If you have more than one Emphasis that applies to the roll, you still only gain this bonus once.
Combat Maneuvers: Several Emphases (especially among the Bugei) reference combat maneuvers, such as dodging or punching.
Skill Okuden: Some Skills, especially Karate Skills, have Okuden of there own, similar to Discipline Okuden; they require a certain Mastery Level to learn and often require knowledge of the Okuden taught below them. Such Okuden are treated both as Okuden as regards other rules and as an Emphasis (including granting Skill bonuses whenever you use the Okuden), but are not Okuden for the purposes of Insight Rank or Discipline Rank limits.
Emphasis Group & Subgroup: Any Emphasis in a Skill is considered part of the same Skill Group or Subgroup as its parent Skill, but not always. If an emphasis says it is considered a different Skill Group (or even Subgroup) when used by different characters or in certain situations, treat it as the appropriate type only when in use, such as in terms of affecting the character’s Honor, Glory, etc.
Skill Descriptions
Skill Description Format
Skill Name (Skill Group) (Most Common Trait Used/Subgroup)
Emphases: If the Skill has any Emphases, these will be listed here. Any Emphasis that is labeled “Specific” infers a myriad list of different Emphases of the appropriate type, examples of which are usually found in the Skill’s description.
Description: What the Skill and its Emphases do.
Mastery Abilities: Any abilities gained from higher Ranks in the Skill.
Emphasis Abilities: Any abilities listed here require the Emphasis, and cannot usually be attempted without such knowledge.
Note: If the Skill does not have an applicable entry (such as Subgroup, Mastery Abilities, etc.), the entry will be absent.
Anatomy (Low Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphases: Autopsy, Diagnosis, Torture, Specific Nonhuman
You have a working knowledge of how bodies are put together. This sort of knowledge is generally reserved for eta, since excessive contact with flesh is necessary to truly master this Skill. The Skill can be used to determine the manner in which a person died. It may also be used to diagnose a living person; roll Anatomy (Diagnosis)/Perception (TN 15) to gain a Free Raise on a subsequent Medicine or Atemi roll with the same target.
Emphasis Abilities:
Torture: Similar to Investigation, this Skill allows you to break down the willpower of your victims to more easily interrogate them, usually involving tools of pain and humiliation. You can spend 10 minutes to torture your victim, making an opposed Intimidation/Intelligence roll (although a torturer may resort to Strength as brute force, or Awareness by setting up a manipulative situation) against the victim's opposed Earth roll. If successful, you receive the benefits of interrogation as if you had used the Investigation Skill. Also, you can make repeated attempts to get the target to tell you what you want to hear (of course, they could just be telling you what you want to hear to make the pain stop...). You do not necessarily have to physically commit the torture itself (though to use a physical Trait you must do so), as it usually involves sweat and blood, making it dishonorable, but you still must directly handle the interrogation.
Specific Nonhuman: Select a specific race (kenku, naga, nezumi, oni, etc.). You may not use any application of this Skill on a nonhuman race without this Emphasis.
Animal Handling (Merchant Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Specific Animal
Animal Handling covers the care, evaluating, and training of animals, mostly domesticated mammals such as horses, dogs, cats, cattle, goats, etc., but can include falcons and even tropical fighting fish. With Battle Skill Ranks as well, you can train animals for battle, although only dogs and horses are really suitable animals for warfare. At first, you can only train an animal to follow or stay (TN 15), but with increasing Mastery Abilities you can train the animal to perform more complicated feats.
It also allows you to treat the injuries of animals under your care, as per the rules for healing injuries under Medicine. In regards to horses, this Skill acts as the Bajutsu Skill except for Emphases and Mastery Abilities.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: You can tame a common domesticated animal (TN 20).
Rank 5: You can teach an animal to attack or perform a complex trick (TN 25).
Rank 7: You can tame an animal that cannot normally be domesticated (bears, lions, wolves) if you have the proper Emphasis (TN 40).
Rank 10: You can command any animal you have trained with only subtle body language (requiring no action or speech on your part to command them).
Artisan (High Skill) (Awareness/Artisan)
Emphases: Bonsai, Gardening, Ikebana, Origami, Painting, Sculpting, Tattooing, Specific Arts
This is a catch-all category for a variety of different Skills, each covered under different Emphases. Unlike most Skills, you only have skilled knowledge and ability in those arts you have an Emphasis for. However, your Skill Rank applies to all the arts you practice with your Emphases, representing a broad arts education and inclination across different media.
Emphasis Abilities:
Bonsai: Miniature tree tending.
Gardening: Covers meditative rock gardens, koi ponds, and garden flora.
Ikebana: The Hachigoku art of flower-arranging. If you have the Doji Cipher Emphasis (see the Calligraphy Skill), you also know the secret flower language of the Doji uji, using arrangements to communicate messages. Only Doji samurai are taught this code. To encode information, you usually do not need to make a roll, unless the information is complex.
Origami: Origami is the art of paper-folding, where delicate and intricate forms are created by folding square pieces of rice paper into artistic shapes.
Painting: You are skilled and painting and drawing. Hachigoku painters tend to use strong, thin lines drawn in ink, focusing mostly on battles or breathtaking landscapes, and paint in watercolor. Painting is generally categorized in one of two distinct styles; there is the premeditated art of sculpting, brushing, or woodblock creation that designs intricate and stunning displays, or the impromptu art of wayo, which involves the brushing of kanji and other relatively simple designs in front of an audience within a limited time span. Though some wayo are less spontaneous and other paintings are quickly done as wayo, the two styles tend to be rather distinct. Paintings can not only be given as a gift (like poetry or ikebana), but can also be honorably sold or traded for favors from others. Generally, a painting has koku value of the artisan’s Artisan (Painting) Skill Rank, +1 koku per Raise, and +1 koku per Season Action spent crafting it. You cannot spend more Season Actions on a single painting than your Void Ring, however, but they can be combined or divided among any number of Seasons you like. Creating a worthwhile painting takes at least 1 week, and the artisan must make an Artisan (Painting)/Perception roll with TN 15 to ensure the artwork is worth anything.
Sculpting: You are skilled at making statues and other artistic imagery in permanent forms, usually in stone, bronze, clay, or even jade. Sculptures can not only be given as a gift (like poetry or ikebana), but can also be honorably sold or traded for favors from others. Generally, a sculpture has a koku value of the artisan’s Artisan (Sculpting) Skill Rank, +1 koku per Raise, and +1 koku per Season Action spent crafting it. You cannot spend more Season Actions on a single sculpture than your Void Ring, however they can be combined or divided among any number of Seasons you like. Creating a worthwhile sculpture takes at least 1 week, and the artisan must make an Artisan (Sculpting)/Perception roll with TN 15 to ensure the artwork is worth anything.
Tattooing: The art of tattooing is a very specialized Emphasis. It is respected only by a few uji, and among the lower classes, especially criminal organizations. Its use is considered a Low Skill.
Specific Arts: There are many other arts practiced in Rokugan. Do some Asian research, be creative, and get the GM’s approval.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 1: You gain a free Emphasis in the Skill.
Atemi (High Skill) (Intelligence/Karate, Lore)
Emphases: Healing, Specific Okuden
This is the art of nerve and blood flow manipulation taught to many who study the internal arts of the body. It can be used both as a healing Skill and as a deadly form of hand-to-hand combat using precise nerve strikes. As such, it is in both the Karate and Lore Subgroups. Atmei requires at least 5 Ranks of the Medicine Skill to learn.
When using it as a healing art, you can reduce the Wound Penalties of a target by making an Atemi (Healing)/Intelligence roll (TN 20 + the Wound Penalty of the target). The Wound Penalty is reduced by your Skill Ranks, and any bleeding from the targeted area stops. The effects last for a number of minutes equal to your Skill Rank, doubling the duration per Raise, and can only be attempted once per target per day.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: The duration of your healing effect lasts hours instead of minutes.
Rank 7: You can now reduce Wound Penalties by twice you Skill Rank.
Rank 10: You can now attempt atemi healing on a patient who has not been treated in the past hour.
Emphasis Abilities:
Falling Star Strike (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. You make an Atemi/Fire attack roll, a fingertip strike causing no damage. If you strike successfully, the target is blinded. A victim of this strike may spend an Action and a Void Point to make a Fire Ring roll (TN your Atemi Skill Rank x 5) to regain his sight. Alternatively, another strike can restore the sight, even from another.
Freezing the Lifeblood (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. This is one of the most basic atemi, where you make an Atemi/Water attack roll, usually a fingertip strike at the throat, spine, or heart, causing no damage. If you strike successfully, the target is paralyzed. A victim of this strike may spend an Action and a Void Point to make a Water Ring roll (TN your Atemi Skill Rank x 5) to escape the paralysis. Alternatively, another strike can restore movement, even from another.
The Thunder’s Clap (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. You make an Atemi/Air attack roll nerve strike. If successful, the target is struck deaf for 24 hours. Anyone who knows this Okuden and has either the Cleansing Spirit Kiho or Chi Protection Okuden can remove this effect by meditating and applying nerve strikes for 1 round.
Stain Upon the Soul (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 2 Okuden. This is a fingertip strike causing an imbalance of Air within the target that flares up as pain beyond agony. You make an Atemi/Air attack roll, causing no damage. If successful, the air imbalance clouds the target's sense with pain, bestowing a -Xk0 penalty to all rolls, where X is your Air Ring Rank. This has a cumulative effect, so multiple strikes increase the penalty. The victim can spend an Action and a Void Point to realign his Air by making an Air Ring roll (TN your Atemi Skill x 5). Alternatively, another strike can remove the pain, even from another. This Okuden is considered a perversion of Shinsei's teaching by the Shinsei no Shinden and all such practitioners are reviled, despised, and outlawed. Learning the Okuden is not inherently dishonorable, because many learn them in order to better heal their effects, but using them makes this a Low Skill.
Chi Protection (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 2 Okuden. This a strong healing use of atemi. You apply many of the same nerve strikes and joint manipulation movements used in the infamous Death Touch over the course of 10 minutes to a target, but for the opposite effect.. At the end of this time, you must spend a Void Point and make an Atemi/Water (TN 30). If successful, you heal a number of Wound Levels on the target equal to your Water Ring rank, +1 Wound Level per 2 Raises. You may use this technique on yourself. This technique can also be used to negate the effects of any other atemi strikes. Simply strike the affected character with a fingertip strike (Atemi/Water attack roll if necessary), spend a Void Point, and make an Atemi/Water roll (TN original atemi user's Atemi Skill Rank x 5). If successful, the atemi effect is immediately ended. See the Death Touch Emphasis for special rules about healing it.
Death Touch (Special Technique): Requires 7 Ranks and 3 Okuden. This is the deadliest and most feared of atemi strikes. You deliver the strike with a gentle touch, only the faintest brush of the fingertips, no more, no less. A gentle touch is required, thus while it requires an attack roll it does not appear to be an attack; it appears as only an accidental or friendly gesture. You make an Atemi/Void attack roll with 3 Raises. This cannot be done with a Full Attack action. If successful, you must then spend Void Points equal to the target's Void Ring. Nothing happens at first. In fact, the victim may be unaware that anything at all has happened. Soon, though, the curse takes effect. The body begins to rot. Wounds fester. Nightmares ruin his sleep. The victim begins to heal as if his Stamina were 1 lower, and all healing magic or Skills require 2 additional Raises to be effective. At each sunset and sunrise (not literally, but effectively) he loses Wounds equal to your Atemi Skill Rank that cannot be healed by any means until the Death Touch is removed. There are 2 known cures for the Death Touch. The first is for it to be removed via Death Touch by whomever applied it. This requires another Atemi/Void roll (TN 15). The other is for it be removed with the Chi Protection Okuden by anyone skilled in its use. This is an arduous and taxing process, requiring a week of intense meditation and acupuncture. At the end of that time, the healer makes an Atemi/Water roll (TN 5 x the Death Touch user's Atemi Skill Rank and Void Ring Rank), and subtracts the victim's Wound Penalties from the total of his roll. If the healer knows the Death Touch as well, he gains a +2k2 bonus to this roll. If he succeeds, the effects of the Death Touch immediately end. If he fails, the Death Touch inflicts an additional 2 Wounds every time it inflicts Wounds. This Okuden is considered a perversion of Shinsei's teaching by the Shinsei no Shinden and all such practitioners are reviled, despised, and outlawed. Learning the Okuden is not inherently dishonorable, because many learn them in order to better heal their effects, but using them makes this a Low Skill.
Athletics (Bugei Skill) (Varies)
Emphases: Acrobatics, Climbing, Jumping, Kemari, Running, Suieijutsu, Swimming, Throwing
Athletics covers a variety of physical tasks, from running to the sport of kemari. The Traits used depend upon the situation. Some uses of Athletics are especially useful as Group rolls. Climbing is a Group roll if all the characters are securely linked with sturdy ropes. Swimming can be a Group roll to keep another person afloat. A kemari team makes Group rolls opposed by the other team.
Emphasis Abilities:
Acrobatics: This is the art of tumbling and agility, and acrobats are found throughout the Empire's courts as entertainers. Those who hone their bodies to such an extant also find it useful in more stealthy pursuits or feats of athleticism. This also counts as a Performance Skill.
Kemari: Kemari is a sport where one team plays against another, keeping a ball aloft between them using anything except for their hands. It is a popular game, made more difficult by the fact that all players must be in full court dress.
Suieijutsu: You must have the Swimming Emphasis to have this Emphasis. This is the art of combative swimming; with it you can swim in armor (negating the Athletics TN penalty from light armor, but not heavy armor), carry heavy burdens (weapons, banners, flags, etc.), and even use your melee weapons when submerged and ranged attacks when partially submerged.
Bajutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility)
Emphases: Gallop, Jumping, Norikata, Suibajutsu, Specific Beast, Specific Horse
Bajutsu is the art of horsemanship. It encompasses a host of skills related to combat in addition to just knowing how to ride, for calvary is an important part of warfare in Hachigoku. There are four distinct breeds of horse in Hachigoku: the Hachigoku pony, the Hachigoku riding horse, the Shinjo war-horse, and the Utaku war-horse. A Rank in this Skill automatically makes you knowledgeable in riding all four, but you can still take an Empahsis for each one to increase your ability.
Norikata is the correct manner of mounting, including training in proper posture and loin strength to ride long distances. It is useful for long journeys and quick mounting.
Certain acrobatic moves can be attempted on horseback, but require both Raises and an Athletics Skill Rank equal to the Raises required, including:
Mounting a steed without using stirrups. (1 Raise)
Riding bareback without using reins. (2 Raises)
Jumping off the horse and landing ready to act. (2 Raises)
Riding the steed by balancing on one stirrup. (3 Raises)
Jumping on the steed and setting it into motion as a Free Action. (4 Raises)
Jumping from one moving steed to another. (5 Raises)
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 1: You can fight while mounted.
Rank 3: You can use the Defense Skill or make a Full Attack while mounted.
Rank 5: Your steed uses your TN to be Hit, if it is higher.
Rank 7: You gain a Free Raise on attacks against unmounted opponents while mounted.
Emphasis Abilities:
Suibajutsu: “Water horse-art,” the art of maneuvering your mount through the water, be it fording a stream or swimming a river. Remaining mounted while moving through water more than chest-high requires this Emphasis.
Specific Beast: Man can ride more beasts than just horses in Hachigoku. Examples include hellbeasts, dragons, foo dogs, and other fantastic creatures. Each exotic beast requires a separate Emphasis.
Battle (Bugei Skill) (Perception / Lore)
Emphases: Battle Lore, Logistics, Mass Combat, Skirmish, Terrains, Specific Enemy
You have made a study of warfare, of strategy and tactics. Not only do you use this Skill when using the Warfare rules, but it grants you the knowledge of how Hachigoku's armies are organized and maintained as well as guiding you in choosing terrain for skirmishes. You may spend 3 rounds studying an area for terrain advantages. If you do so, you gain a Free Raise on any skirmish or battle fought in that area for the next day. Also, if enemies are lying in wait, you can make a Battle/Perception roll opposed by their Stealth/Agility roll to detect them (instead of the normal Investigation/Perception roll). You may make Raises to determine more information about your enemies (number, what weapons they’re using, and if they are aware of your presence).
Emphasis Abilities:
Battle Lore: You can use this Skill as a Lore Skill as it applies to Hachigoku's history of warfare, including famous wars, battles, and generals, and their tactics.
Specific Enemy: Choose a specific Clan, organization, or even the Shadowlands. You gain the benefits of this Emphasis at all times when facing this enemy in combat.
Bojutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Parry, Specific Weapon
You are skilled with staves and small clubs. The skill covers the following weapons: bo staff, jo stick, machi-kanshisha pipe, and shikomi-zue (when in staff-only form). These weapons are most often used by peasants and gakusho, but wandering samurai are known to enjoy their simplicity and unassuming nature.
Parrying an attack may damage the weapon depending on its quality. See the Combat rules for more information.
Calligraphy (High Skill) (Intelligence/Artisan)
Emphases: Keigo, Scrolls, Specific Cipher
Calligraphy is not just penmanship, it is an ancient and honored form of art. You are skilled at not only writing, but at writing and reading beautiful and complex forms of intricate calligraphy.
Emphasis Abilities:
Forgery: You are able to forge official documents, letters, etc. You must have access to the original item or be intimately familiar with its design before copying. Your Calligraphy/Agility roll sets the TN for attempts to discern its fakeness, using either Investigation/Perception or Calligraphy/Perception.
Keigo: This Emphasis concentrates on the official style of calligraphy used by the courts of Rokugan on all official documents.
Scrolls: Shugenja use Calligraphy to copy spells onto scrolls. Creating a spell scroll requires 1 hour per Mastery Level of the spell and a Calligraphy/Perception roll (TN 5 x the Mastery Level of the spell). You gain a Free Raise if you have the spell as an Innate Ability and another the Free Raise if a scroll of an Innate Ability spell is being used in the copying.
Specific Cipher: All uji have their own special cipher, used on shugenja scrolls and other private texts. This cipher cannot be written or read without the proper Emphasis, and are closely guarded secrets. This becomes a Low Skill if you display knowledge of another uji's cipher other than your own without their permission. Teaching an uji cipher to an outsider without the permission of the Roju or your daimyo is an extremely dishonorable act.
Chisaijutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility / Bujutsu)
Emphases: Parry, Signals, Specific Okuden, Specific Weapon
Chisaijutsu is the art of the warfan. This is usually either the iron-rimmed tessen, a large fan used in warfare to signal the troops (and usable as a weapon in a dire situation), or a bladed warfan, an otherwise normal paper or silk fan reinforced with metal ribs and tipped with small, razor-sharp tips. The bladed warfan is often seen as an exotic weapon, and frowned upon in a general court setting.
The iron fan is also used as a martial arts form by the Order of the Tessen, a ronin otokodate that polices the city of Toshi Ranbo. The art has evolved beyond the city, and now it is not unheard of to find ronin in other parts of Rokugan who have mastered the art, often called the Iron Butterfly Art.
Emphasis Abilities:
Signals: You can also use this Skill to use a tessen to pass along military commands on the battlefield, using your Intelligence.
Iron Wings of the Butterfly (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. When wielding tessen in each hand and on Full Defense, you add twice your Skill Rank to your TN to be Hit.
Iron Wings Distract (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks. When wielding tessen, you gain a Free Raise on disarm attempts for each tessen wielded (maximum two).
Iron Wings Envelop (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks. You may spend a Void Point in reaction to a single melee or ranged attack, and immediately make an Active Defense against the attack with a Chisaijutsu/Awareness roll.
Commerce (Merchant Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Appraisal, Mathematics, Merchant
You are skilled in bartering, merchandising, and handling currency. It is not considered seemly for a samurai to personally indulge in financial matters, but many samurai adopt this Skill to oversee their vassals properly. You can use Commerce to haggle (Merchant), to estimate the price of a valuable item (Appraisal), or when calculating how much tax you owe the Emperor (Mathematics).
This is considered a Low Skill if a samurai is seen conducting trade in public. Exceptions are made for minor transactions such as buying a meal, purchasing a gift, or arranging lodging. Also, a samurai can avoid this Honor Loss by “coordinating” a transaction, then turning over the actual task to an underling.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: You can make a Commerce (Merchant)/Awareness roll (TN 20) to receive 10% more when selling an item, assuming the buyer can afford it. Only one merchant can apply this bonus to any given transaction.
Rank 7: You can make a Commerce (Merchant)/Awareness roll (TN 20) to pay 20% less than usual when paying for an item. Only one merchant can apply this bonus to any given transaction.
Rank 10: As per the Rank 5 and Rank 7 ability, but you receive 20% more and pay 30% less.
Craft (Merchant Skill) (Intelligence)
Emphasis: Armorer, Bowmaker, Weaponsmith, Specific Craft or Trade
You are skilled in certain areas of expertise. This Skill does not represent an understanding of all trades covered by Craft, but only a particular. Specific crafts and trades must be taken as separate Emphases, even though your general expertise as a disciplined craftsman applies across the various fields as a single Skill Rank. Whether a Craft Skill is a Merchant Skill or Low Skill depends upon the nature of the trade. Any trade that deals with something unclean or dead, such as Craft (Butcher) or Craft (Leatherworker), is a Low Skill.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 1: You gain a free Emphasis in the Skill.
Emphasis Abilities:
Armorer: The crafting of armor, from ashigaru armor to heavy armor. This is a High Skill for samurai.
Bowmaker: The crafting of bows, from daikyu to yumi. Tsuruchi daikyu can only be crafted in the Tsuruchi Han. This is a High Skill for samurai, but you must have the appropriate Bujutsu Skill for the weapon.
Weaponsmith: This is the crafting of weapons, although you must have the corresponding Bujutsu Skill for the appropriate weapon. This is a High Skill for samurai, unless it is used to create weapons covered by Nofujutsu (peasant weapons) or Ninjutsu (ninja weapons).
Specific Craft or Trade: Any realm of crafting and work which is not covered by a specific Skill can be represented by an appropriate Craft Skill Emphasis. Common Hachigoku trades include: Baker, Blacksmith, Brewer, Butcher, Carpenter, Ceramics, Chandler, Confectioner, Cook, Cooper, Distiller, Dyer, Gardener, Glassblower, Innkeeper, Jeweler, Masseur, Miller, Paper Maker, Perfumer, Potter, Sail Maker, Seamstress, Shipwright, Tailor, Weaver, etc.
Defense (Bugei Skill) (Agility)
Emphases: Cover, Dodge, Guard
You can choose the Full Defense action. You do nothing until next action but avoid getting hurt, using your reflexes, agility, and/or parrying abilities to their fullest. You make a Defense/Agility roll, adding the total to your TN to be Hit until your next action. You can also use this Skill as an Active Defense. For more information on Active Defense and Full Defense, see the Combat rules.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: You may move (although you cannot take complex actions) without losing the benefits of a Full Defense.
Rank 5: You may perform complex actions (but not attacks, Active Defenses, or Skill Rolls) without losing the benefits of a Full Defense.
Rank 7: You can perform Active Defenses without losing the benefits of a Full Defense.
Rank 10: If it is the first round of combat, you can immediately take a Full Defense Action before Initiative is rolled.
Divination (High Skill) (Awareness/Lore)
Emphases: Astrology, Kawaru, Omens
You are skilled at using divination techniques outside the normal domain of shugenja magic to catch a glimpse of the future. Often dismissed as “peasant magic,” they have become quite popular and are often practiced by samurai or even used by shugenja (who have much more reliable techniques) to supplement their magic, usually for entertainment value. Astrology is identifying heavenly bodies and constellations. Kawaru uses a series of hexagrams cast using stones, sticks, or coins.
Once per day, you can make a Divination/Awareness roll (TN 15). If successful, you may define a near future fate of some character or organization, although divinations of this type are notoriously vague or cryptic. And if it is not positive to those more powerful you, trouble no doubt awaits. You may spend a Void Point to make an additional attempt.
Emphasis Abilities:
Omens: You are not limited in your use of this Skill using omens, but you must make a Skill roll every time the GM tells you you’ve seen a portentous omen. These omens usually take the form of celestial observations, weather, or birds. Occasionally it requires the interpretation of supernatural events or current events.
Drunken Mantis Jiujutsu (Low Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Block, Grappling, Punch, Shove, Sweeping, Specific Okuden
An unusual hand-to-hand martial arts native to the Isles of Silk and Spice, the style emphasizes random, lurching movements and unexpected attacks. While drinking massive amounts of alcohol is not required to utilize the special techniques, it is often done anyway, and it is required to learning and training in the art. As such, resistance to alcohol is actually a detriment to the Skill, so those with the Able Drinker Advantage may not learn this Skill. Due to the reputation of its practitioners as loud-mouthed drunkards, this is a Low Skill, but for ronin or those trained in any Yoritomo Discipline it is treated as a Bugei Skill.
Fore more information on this Skill, see the Hand-to-Hand Combat rules.
Emphasis Abilities:
Slippery When Wet (Okuden): When an opponent attacks you, you can make an Active Defense, rolling Drunken Mantis Jiujutsu/Reflexes. If successful, you either stagger back 10’ or fall prone, giving you a temporary +5 bonus to your TN to be Hit until your next Action.
Monkey Lunge (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks and 1 Okuden. You can gain 2 Free Raises on an unarmed attack roll, but immediately fall prone at your opponent’s feet.
Roll the Drunk (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 2 Okuden. If you are prone, you can make an Active Defensive using Drunken Mantis Jiujutsu/Agility against an attack. If successful, you grab the opponent’s body or weapon, using it as leverage to roll to your feet. If your attack him with an unarmed attack before his next Action, you gain a Free Raise, or 2 Free Raises if you attempt a grapple.
Iron Sake, Iron Skin (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 3 Okuden. You can spend a Void Point to gain a Carapace rating equal to your Insight Rank +2 when attacked (after the attack roll, before the damage roll) until the end of the Phase, then choose to stagger back 10’ or fall prone after the attack. This can be used simultaneously with the Slippery When Wet Okuden. You must have recently drank at least a bottle of sake to use this ability.
Fortunes Favor the Fool (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 4 Special Techniques. You can spend an Action to begin stumbling about and crashing into things, moving at least 10’ but returning to your starting point. Until your next Action (or the end of the Round), you gain a +10 bonus to your TN to be Hit. This applies only to attackers who witness your frenzied, confused movements.
Engineering (Merchant Skill) (Intelligence/Craft)
Emphases: Architecture, Construction, Clockworks, Siege, Traps, Specific Uji
You are skilled at building, repairing, and analyzing structures and other constructions. This includes understanding and replicating clockwork wonders from the Burning Sands and siege weapons. Building fortifications, whether mere earthen walls or castle fortifications, has a TN of 5 x the Fortification Rating of the structure. Spending an hour outside of a structure and making a Engineering (Siege)/Perception roll (TN 20) grants you a Free Raise when using any siege weaponry or explosives on that structure, and each additional Raise grants an additional Free Raise.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: You gain an additional Free Raise when using siege weapons or explosives against a structure after successfully studying it.
Rank 7: You gain an additional Free Raise when using siege weapons or explosives against a structure after successfully studying it.
Emphasis Abilities:
Traps: This is the ability to construct and detect traps. You make Traps/Intelligence rolls when constructing traps and Traps/Perception (or Investigation/Perception) rolls when detecting them. Disarming a trap requires at least a minute for simple traps and a Traps/Agility or Intelligence roll (whichever is lower) vs. the original crafter’s construction roll.
Etiquette (High Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Conversation, Diplomacy, Introduction, Kuenai
You understand the customs and manners of Hachigoku's samurai, knowing what to say and how to say it. Demonstrating a lack of concern for etiquette is a mark of low character, and a serious loss of face. When talking to a samurai whose Glory Rank exceeds your own or your Skill Rank, you must make an Etiquette/Awareness roll, with a TN of 5 x the difference between your Glory Ranks. If the roll fails, you lose Honor and Glory Points equal to the Glory Rank of the speaker. If the roll succeeds, you need not make the same roll again for that particular samurai unless they have a spectacular change of fortune; this is intentionally vague, for certainly a military promotion might not cause another social rift, but elevation to Fortune status would. This can be used as a Group roll, usually to help a boorish companion avoid embarrassing himself.
You are also adept at small talk and other forms of conversation. A successful Etiquette / Awareness roll (TN 15) allows you to find an inoffensive topic to chat about. This can be a pleasant way to past the time, but can also distract listeners while allies perform tasks nearby. Raises must be used if the target is suspicious, and a highly suspicious target can break off the conversation any time, although not without looking foolish and arrogant.
Emphasis Abilities:
Kuenai: This is the equivalent of the Etiquette Skill when dealing with the lower castes, and gives you the knowledge of the customs and slang of the hinin and heimin. This is a considered a Low Skill for samurai, but not for ronin.
Explosives (Low Skill) (Intelligence/Craft)
Emphases: Firearms, Fuses, Kagaku
“Gaijin pepper” (gunpowder) has been outlawed in Rokugan for centuries, and is often seen as more vile than maho. The fact that not all explosives use gunpowder is immaterial at best. This Skill is considered High Skill for Agasha samurai, but only if used to create kagaku (“fireworks”) or similar nonviolent items, and not used as weapons against an enemy.
Still, you are skilled at making explosives that do more than provide mere entertainment. Your chemical concoctions create destruction and wreak havoc. This is a dangerous Skill, and not just because of custom and law. Explosives in Hachigoku lack the refinement and stability of those made by the gaijin, and thus are unstable. The TN to create explosives depends upon the Damage Rating of the explosives. An explosive with DR 1k1 has TN 10, and each additional +1k1 adds +5 to the TN. Thus, a 5k5 DR explosive has a TN 30 to create.
While the polvara, the primary explosive element, can be reasonably transported, the explosive itself must be built at its point of explosion. If you attempt to transport one over any distance, you must make an Explosives/Intelligence roll per hour with a TN of the explosives' base TN. Also, you must set the fuse of the explosives with either short-burning or long-burning fuses. When creating an explosive, add +5 to the TN of the roll if it is a short-burning fuse or +10 to the TN if it is a long-burning fuse, If it is a short-burning fuse, roll 1 die. This is the number of Phases before the explosive goes off. If it is a long-burning fuse, roll 1 die. This is the number of minutes before the explosive goes off.
You can also use the Explosives Skill to defuse explosives with an Explosives/Intelligence roll with a TN of the original Explosives/Intelligence roll used to create it.
Emphasis Abilities:
Firearms: You are trained in the use gaijin firearms. Such attack rolls require an Explosives/Perception roll.
Fuses: You can add or subtract your Skill Rank to the number of Phases or minutes before the explosives go off.
Kagaku: You are able to create kagaku items and are knowledgeable about nazo bubun no Agasha, the study of elemental observation, experimentation, and reaction. While many regard it as a magical art, its practitioners realize it is merely a study of chemicals and how they interact with one another.
Games (High Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Dice Games, Gambling, Go, Mahjong, Sadane, Shogi, Specific Game
This is a catch-all category for a variety of intellectual games that have no pronounced mechanical effect. The Skill grants the user a wide base of knowledge for playing the popular games of Hachigoku, if not flair or expertise. Exceptional insight and ability with the game is granted by Emphases; you can play any of these games using this Skill even if you don’t have the Emphasis. Playing any of these games for money makes this a Low Skill when used.
Emphasis Abilities:
Dice Games: Dice games are extremely popular in Hachigoku, especially among the lower caste and the criminal element. Fortunes and Winds, often linked with gambling, is the most popular.
Gambling: This is the art of professional gambling; in other words, cheating. Use of this Gambling for money in a game treats this as a Low Skill.
Go: One of Hachigoku most popular games, it is seen as a meditation on combat and strategy. White and black stones are placed on a square board and used to surround and “capture” the other player’s stones.
Mahjong: A domino-style game using brightly painted carvings, it is often played to pass the time and occasionally involves gambling.
Sadane: A popular game among teishin, it’s a verbal game of competing insults. Masters are considered great wits and cunning diplomats.
Shogi: Shogi is a game similar to chess, with a square, checkered board using pieces with unique abilities, where the object is to capture the other player’s king piece.
Specific Game: There is an endless variety of other games and leisure hobbies throughout Hachigoku. With some research and GM approval, almost any can be made into an Emphasis. If a game is not covered by a listed Emphasis, then it is obscure enough to rate its own Emphasis that is required to skillfully play it.
Himitsuheiki (Low Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Parry, Specific Improvised Weapon, Specific Okuden
An unusual combat art from the Isles of Silk and Spice, Himitsuheiki is a fluid and frantic style that depends upon grabbing whatever object is near and attacking in a whirlwind of movement, using the environment (usually urban) to its fullest potential. The intent of the style is to bewilder and drive away an opponent instead of killing him. No two practitioners use the art the same way, however. You can use this Skill whenever attacking with improvised weapons, or even when evaluating potential unorthodox weaponry in an otherwise empty room. Bottles, tables, chairs, ladders, rickshaws, war banners, other people... all are implements of destruction in the hands of a Himitsuheiki master.
It is a Low Skill due to its emphasis on unorthodox weapons, but is considered a Bugei Skill for ronin and Yoritomo or Hida samurai.
Emphasis Abilities:
Specific Improvised Weapon: Since improvised weapons compromise an almost infinite variety of objects (almost anything not covered under another bujutsu skill), a specific Emphasis can contain a broad but specific category of items, such as: chairs, tables, ladders, crockery, poles, buckets, chains, other people, animals, etc.
Chaos Provides (Special Technique): Requires 3 Ranks. As an Action, any time you are without a weapon, you can make a Himitsuheiki/Perception roll (TN 15) to immediately find an object suitable (Raises can increase the quality or size of the object) and make an attack with it. Any time you drop a weapon as part of an attack against an opponent (such as shoving it toward the opponent or entangling it with his weapon), you gain a Free Raise on your attack rolls against the opponent until his next Action.
Strength In Chaos (Special Technique): Requires 5 Ranks and 1 Okuden. You gain a +1k1 bonus to all damage rolls with improvised weapons. Once per round, you gain a +5 bonus to your TN to be Hit when you intentionally drop a weapon (improvised or otherwise) until your next Action, as the opponent struggles to figure out your angle in “losing” your weapon.
Hunting (Bugei Skill) (Perception)
Emphases: Survival, Tracking, Trailblazing, Wilderness Lore, Specific Environment
You are trained in all the rigors for outdoor life, such as how to track, how to make a fire, set up camp, etc. You can also obscure your own tracks, and have a general knowledge of animals, plants, and weather.
The environment can affect the TN of any rolls you make as follows:
Woodlands: -5.
Plains: +0.
Marsh: +5.
Mountains: +10.
Desert: +15.
Shadowlands: +20.
Emphasis Abilities:
Survival: You can use the Hunting Skill to survive in the wilderness if you have no provisions or guides, depending on the terrain. If you succeed on your Hunting/Perception roll for the day, you have managed to survive. The TN for the roll depends on the terrain. Success means you have found enough food and water for 10 people (horses will usually graze for food, but in harsh climates will need enough food for 3 people).
Trailblazing: You can find safe passages through even the most harsh terrain for you and your group. The normal TN is 15, but may require Raises for harsh terrain. If successful, you cut the overland travel time by 50%.
Iaijutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Focus, Katana, Noto, Nukitsuke
This is the art of the fast-draw, drawing the katana in one quick, fluid movement and cutting with it in the same motion. Mostly used for the ritualized iaijutsu duels, it can also be used as an attack roll when the katana is currently sheathed. There are four components to the art: nukitsuke (draw), kiritsuke (cutting), chiburi (removal of blood from the blade), and noto (sheathing).
The mental and spiritual emphasis on iaijutsu allows the user to channel his will in combat, doing what is commonly called focusing. When in normal melee combat, you can, as an Action once per round, initiate a duel of wills between you and an opponent, making an opposed Iaijutsu (Focus)/Willpower rolls. The loser of the roll cannot use Void Points against the winner or his attacks in any way for the rest of the round.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: Once per round, you can take an Action to focus in melee combat, gaining a +0k1 bonus to your next damage roll with a katana this round.
Rank 5: You can focus in melee combat as per Rank 3 as many times as you could focus in an Iaijutsu Duel.
Rank 7: You have mastered the art, and can use it in lieu of meditation. By practicing the kata of your art for 30 minutes, you can, once per day, make an Iaijutsu/Void roll (TN 20) to recover 1 spent Void Point. This follows the same rules as the Meditation Skill.
Rank 10: Once per day, your can now spend 1 hour practicing your kata as with rank 7, but instead of 1 Void Point, you recover all of your spent Void Points, up to your Void Ring.
Emphasis Abilities:
Noto: The noto (“sheathing”) is the final step in the iaijutsu ritual, and with this Emphasis you can choose to resheathe the sword after making an Iaijutsu Skill roll immediately (unless you somehow lose it, or the environment precludes graceful and swift movement, such as underwater or in quicksand).
Nukitsuke: The nukitsuke (“draw”) is the first step in the iaijutsu ritual, and was originally designed as a defensive maneuver for samurai reclining, crouching, or seated, easy prey for a quick assailant. With this Emphasis, you can make Iaijutsu/Agility attack rolls from such positions without penalty.
Investigation (High Skill) (Varies)
Emphases: Ichi-miru, Interrogation, Nazado, Notice, Search
You know what questions to ask, who to ask, and where to look for clues in uncovering the truth. The Trait used by the Skill varies on its application. Use Perception when looking for clues, Intelligence when adding up the facts and making conclusions, and Awareness when asking questions and other forms of interrogation. You can only investigate a place, person, or mystery once with a roll regarding any particular matter. Only compelling evidence makes you reconsider a conclusion.
When using the Skill to search an area, meeting a TN of 15 will reveal a relevant clue after a reasonable search time. Raises may find more items or more useful clues.
When questioning a subject, it’s an opposed roll. The opposed Skill/Trait depends on how they reply to your questions. If they wish to hide the truth or lie, use Sincerity/Willpower (supplant with the Intimidation Emphasis if they wish to reply with threats or obstinate silence). If they wish to change the subject, use Etiquette (Conversation)/Willpower or Sincerity (Seduction)/Willpower. Other Skills could also be used to resist questioning if they make sense in the context of the situation.
Investigation can also be used against Stealth and Sleight of Hand for opposed rolls. The Notice Emphasis applies to seeing through such subterfuge, as well as to detecting forgeries.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 7: You may make one additional attempt to search for clues or interrogate a subject after you have already failed once. This is an entirely new Skill Roll and attempt; you approach the problem from a new direction.
Rank 10: You may make another attempt to search for clues or interrogate a suspect after you have already failed twice.
Emphasis Abilities:
Ichi-miru: You are skilled at ichi-miru, the art of the "first look". Used almost exclusively by the Kitsuki uji and teishin trained by them, this provides you with information about a target after only a few moments observation, gleaning the specifics from minute details of his appearance and behavior only a trained eye can discern. You can also use this in place of the Notice Emphasis.
Nazado: You are skilled at a form of investigation that relies on evidence and logic, disdaining the unreliability of testimony. It is also useful in understanding and solving puzzles, riddles, and logic games. It is used almost exclusively by the Kitsuki uji and teishin trained by them, and is often frowned upon by the other samurai. You can also use this in place of the Search Emphasis.
Jiujutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Block, Headbutt, Kick, Punch
You are skilled in basic hand-to-hand combat, specifically the Skill of hitting the opponent. Jiujutsu encompasses a variety of kicks, punches, and the occasional headbutt. This is the most common hand-to-hand technique taught throughout Hachigoku.
For more information on this Skill, see the Hand-to-Hand Combat rules.
Kaze-do (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Block, Grappling, Sweeping, Throws
You are skilled in a hand-to-hand combat style that emphasizes throws, sweeps, and grappling, focused on disabling and avoiding an opponent rather than attacking him. The style was created by a Togashi gakusho, Togashi Kaze, who was dedicated to aiding the lower castes defend themselves, instead of relying on samurai. He forbid his followers from teaching samurai, an injunction largely intact today. Only gakusho monks, ronin, and non-samurai may learn this Skill. Teaching the style to any member of an uji is highly dishonorable.
Fore more information on this Skill, see the Hand-to-Hand Combat rules.
Kenjutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Gaijin Blades, Yadomejutsu, Specific Weapon
This is the art of swordsmanship in the Empire, widely seen as the most noble of all martial arts. It covers the most common swords of the Empire: katana, ninja-to, no-dachi, Ox blade, and wakizashi.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: The sword is a swift and deadly weapon. When wielding a katana, you can add your Skill Rank to your Initiative Total.
Rank 7: The art of the sword and the soul of bushido are as one in your heart. You may spend Void Points on damage rolls with a katana as if it were a Skill Roll.
Emphasis Abilities:
Gaijin Blades: Learning the myriad of gaijin swords used outside Rokugan (scimitar, longsword, rapier, etc.) requires this Emphasis. Use of such swords makes this a Low Skill.
Yadomejutsu: This is the practiced ability to cut down arrows in flight, preventing them from striking their target. It is exceptionally difficult to master, and it is taught in only a handful of dojo across Hachigoku. Yadomejutsu can be used in two ways. As an Active Defense, you can make a Kenjutsu/Reflexes roll (see the Combat rules for Active Defenses) against a Ranged Attack targeting anyone (including yourself) within 10’. If successful, the arrow is sliced in two and inflicts no damage. As a Full Defense action, you can roll Kenjutsu/Agility and add the total to your TN to be Hit against all ranged attacks until your next action. This does not increase your TN to be Hit for melee attacks.
Kobo Ichikai (Low Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Grappling, Headbutt, Kick, Punch, Shove, Okuden
You are skilled in a hand-to-hand combat style emphasizing the theory that the best defense is a good offense. It was developed by the Hida uji, and largely practiced only by Hida or Shinjo bushi. It is considered a "dirty" way to fight among many in Hachigoku, its brutal, bloodthirsty reputation and frequent use against Shadowlands monsters making it a Low Skill, except among Hida and Shinjo samurai, for whom it is a Bugei Skill. Worse, some of its Okuden allow the use of traditional “peasant” weapons.
Fore more information on this Skill, see the Hand-to-Hand Combat rules.
Emphasis Abilities:
Break the Bones (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. You make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility attack roll, making 2 Raises if unarmed, or 3 Raises using especially paired weapons (kama, sai, etc.). You hyperextend a target's joint and either crank it beyond its capacity or brace and smash it. If successful, the attack has a DR of 1k1 and does a minimum of 12 Wounds, either crippling the wrist, elbow, or shoulder, preventing further attacks with that limb, or crippling the knee, rendering the target immobile. This allows normal damage to zombies and other undead, but is completely stopped by the Invulnerability ability. You can attempt this attack while maintaining a grapple, but you do not do your normal grappling damage on that Action.
Hida's Lesson (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. You attempt to stop an opponent's attempt to grapple or throw you by making a quick strike. When the opponent makes a grappling or throwing attack, as an Active Defense you can make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility roll (TN opponent's Agility x 5, +1 Raise). If you fail, then the attack is made normally. If you succeed, then the opponent's attack automatically fails, and you do either normal unarmed damage or normal weapon damage if armed with a tanto-sized weapon or smaller. You can quickly drop a larger weapon to use this technique, but few Hida would do so.
Slam the Gates (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. You trap the opponent's limbs to cut off future attacks, pinning the elbows or stomping on the knee or foot. This can be done unarmed or with a melee weapon. You make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility attack roll (ignoring armor), but do no damage. You decrease the opponent's Initiative Total by -10 and add +5 to your TN to be Hit against that opponent for the rest of the round. You can increase the penalties with Raises, increasing the Initiative penalty by -5 and the TN to be Hit bonus by +5 per Raise. Effects of this ability are not cumulative.
Drunk Bushi (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks. This technique requires two free hands. This technique can be used against any one-handed, non-flexible, single melee weapon. You grab the enemy's swinging weapon at the hilt and overextend its arc to disarm and strike the wielder in one movement. As an Active Defense, you make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility roll (TN opponent's Skill x 5, +1 Raise). If you fail, the opponent's attack proceeds normally. If you succeed, you now have the weapon in your own hands and have hit the opponent, dealing normal damage, but must drop the highest die, and any armor the opponent is wearing subtracts directly from the Wounds inflicted (subtract the TN to be Hit bonus of the armor). No further Raises can be made to increase this damage. Since it is essentially an offensive maneuver used as a defense, you cannot use an Interrupt Action to perform it; it must be a Current or Held Action. The technique's name comes from the standard report given by Yasuki metsuke the morning after a brawl ("Drunk bushi! Fell on his own katana!").
Tear-Giving (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 1 Okuden. This is a secret technique taught only to Hida samurai. If grappling an opponent, you can make this attack with 1 Raise for one eye or 2 Raises to hit both eyes. If used in a normal attack, this requires 2 Raises for one eye and 3 Raises for both eyes. You can use this attack form with or without weapons. You make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility roll with the appropriate Raises, and as long as the attack does at least 1 Wound, the opponent is in pain, adding +10 (for one eye) or +20 (for both eyes) to all TN's for a minimum of one minute. If the target has more than two eyes, halve the penalties. Delivering more than the target's Stamina x 3 in Wounds permanently destroys the eye or eyes of oni and humans alike.
Wearing Down the Mountain (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 1 Okuden. This is a secret technique taught only to Hida samurai. You deliver a series of quick, short blows to the target. This can be done only unarmed or with tanto-sized or smaller weapons. You make a Kobo Ichikai/Agility attack roll with 2 Raises. If successful, you add +0k2 to your damage, add +10 to the TN of a target's Mountain Does Not Move Okuden attempt, do 3 Wounds instead of 1 to a target with Invulnerability.
Kusarigamajutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Disarm, Entangle, Specific Weapon
You are skilled with a variety of chain weapons; the most well known is the kusarigama. This Skill covers: the bakuhatsuga, chigi-riki, kagi-nawa, kusarigama, mamukigama, and manrikikusari.
Kyujutsu (Bugei Skill) (Reflexes/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Fletcher, Yabusame, Specific Weapon
This is the Skill used for bows and arrows. It covers: daikyu, hankyu, Tsuruchi daikyu, and yumi. The traditional Rokugani method is to bring the bow into position and fire in one movement. Instead of aiming, a zen-like focus on making the warrior, weapon, and target as one is emphasized, thus its reliance on Reflexes. This translates to most thrown weapons.
Samurai are trained to carry their bows unstrung, and then assemble them quickly for battle. If carried with the bowstrings in place, the strings can wear out and lose their tension, making the bow less powerful and the strings prone to breakage. Assembling a bow takes 2 simple Actions. Readying it can be done in 1 complex Action with a Kyujutsu/Agility roll (TN 15).
Emphasis Abilities:
Fletcher: This is the craft of making arrows. Making specialty arrows instead of normal ya arrows requires 2 Raises. After a battle in which you have fired arrows, you may use this Skill, keeping your Perception Trait. For every 5 points of your total roll, you recover 1 arrow in reusable condition.
Yabusame: Ranged attacks from horseback have a +10 TN penalty without the Yabusame Emphasis. You must have at least 1 Rank of the Bajutsu Skill to take this Emphasis.
Locksmith (Merchant Skill) (Intelligence/Craft)
Emphases: Lock Assembly, Lock Picking
Not only are you skilled at making locks and other such mechanisms, but you can also disable them. This is a favorite of both honorable Kaiu engineers and dishonorable ninja. The TN to pick a lock is determined by the original Craft roll used to make it. Picking a lock requires 1 minute or more for complex locks. Although the Skill is not inherently dishonorable, using the lockpicking ability to commit a dishonorable deed (such as theft) makes it a Low Skill. And people do often wonder about those who are skilled in such things...
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: You may now pick a simple lock in 30 seconds.
Rank 7: You may now pick a simple lock with 1 Action.
Lore (High Skill) (Intelligence)
Emphasis: Specific Subject
You are learned in certain areas of expertise. This Skill does not represent an understanding of all subjects covered by Lore, but only those for which you have Emphases, with each topic as a separate Emphasis. Any realm of knowledge which is not covered by a specific Skill can probably be represented by an appropriate Lore Emphasis. Examples include: bushido, shugenja, specific uji, specific nonhuman races, historic periods, etc. Lore counts as a Low Skill if it is used to display extensive knowledge of a dishonorable subject, such as gaijin, ninja, serial killers, etc.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 1: You gain a free Emphasis in the Skill.
Magari-yarijutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Magari-yari, Okuden
This is a specialized style practiced by Matsu samurai. Although it is not strictly limited to the Matsu, it lacks practitioners among any other samurai. It focuses on the magari-yari, a trident-shaped derivative of the yari. The Skill covers only one weapon: the magari-yari.
Emphasis Abilities:
Victory Is All (Okuden): When using a magari-yari in a Full Attack, you gain a +1k1 bonus on your attack and damage roll. Until your next Action, any enemy attacking you gains a +1k1 bonus on damage rolls.
The Jaws of Victory (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks and 1 Okuden. If you make 2 Raises on a Full Attack with a magari-yari, you can impale your opponent. If the attack is successful, you make opposed Strength rolls, and if you succeed on the Strength roll, the opponent is considered grappled (see Hand-to-Hand Combat rules). Until you release the enemy, drop the weapon, or attack another opponent, you may automatically damage the opponent as an Action.
Swift Victory At All Costs (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 2 Okuden. You can spend an Action as an Active Defense, but instead of negating an opponent's attack, you make an attack of your own with the magari-yari simultaneously; the attack is a Full Attack.
Strength of the Butcher (Special Technique): Requires 5 Ranks and 2 Okuden. Before making an attack roll with a magari-yari as a Full Attack, you can spend 2 Void Points. If you do so, you can explode all damage dice of 8 or more as if they were 10’s.
Soul of the Butcher (Special Technique): Requires 7 Ranks and 4 Okuden. Every Raise you make for damage with a magari-yari gives a +0k1 bonus instead of a +1k0 bonus.
Law (High Skill) (Intelligence)
Emphases: Bureaucracy, Contracts, Imperial Law, Metsuke Lore, Specific Region or Organization
You are familiar with the legal systems of Hachigoku and the profession of the metsuke (“magistrate”), regardless of if you serve as one. You can argue cases with metsuke, defend or prosecute the accused, and write up legal contracts.
Emphasis Abilities:
Bureaucracy: You know how to navigate the sometimes bizarre bureaucracy that surrounds the officials of the daimyo and the Roju. If you are seeking information and do not know where to obtain it, a successful Law (Bureaucracy)/Intelligence roll (TN 15) reveals the most likely candidate, although the more obscure the information, the more Raises are needed.
Specific Region or Organization: You specialize in the idiosyncratic laws of a particular region (as broad as Kiringoku or as singular as the Miya Han) or organization (as broad as the Shinsei no Shinden or as singular as the Kitsune Shuha).
Medicine (High Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphasis: Antidotes, Disease, Herbalism, Treatment, Specific Nonhuman
This Skill is used to cure a variety of ailments and injuries. A Medicine Kit (a pouch containing a variety of herbs, bandages, needles, and remedies) is needed to use the Medicine Skill. The contents of the bag allow 50 uses of the Skill before they must be replaced.
A given person may have his Wounds treated only once per day. To do so, you must spend 3 rounds tending the victim’s injuries, during which time neither of you can move or engage in any significant action. You make a Medicine (Treatment)/Intelligence roll (TN total number of Wounds the patient has). If successful, you heal 1k1 Wounds. You may make Raises, with each Raise adding +1k0 to the number of Wounds healed and using an additional dose of medicine from the kit.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: You gain a +1k0 bonus to determine how many Wounds you heal.
Rank 5: You may treat the Wounds of someone who has already been treated once today.
Rank 7: You gain a +0k1 bonus to determine how many Wounds you heal. You gain a +1k0 bonus when foraging for more medicine doses.
Rank 10: You may treat the Wounds of any one who has not been treated in the last hour.
Emphasis Abilities:
Antidotes: Required to cure poisons.
Disease: Required to cure diseases.
Herbalism: The materials of the Medicine Kit can be replaced in any significant city (at the price of a new kit) or foraged in any wilderness. To forage, make a Medicine/Perception roll (TN 15). If successful, you find 1k1 doses. You can find an additional +1k0 doses per Raise.
Specific Nonhuman: This is required for each nonhuman race you want to use this Skill on.
Meditation (High Skill) (Void)
Emphases: Fasting, Tea Ceremony, Trance, Zanji
Once per day, by spending an hour in uninterrupted Meditation, you can attempt to recover 1 spent Void Point. You must successfully make a Meditation (Trance)/Void roll (TN 20). You cannot use the Meditation Skill to gain more Void Points per day than your Void Ring.
You can also use your inner calm to fight off the effects of starvation for a number of days equal to your Earth (but still need water). Each day, you must make a Meditation (Fasting)/Void roll at a TN of 10 + (5 x the number of days you've fasted). Failure means you must soon eat or pass out and suffer the effects of starvation. Fasting is usually done during religious holidays or retreats, but can be done in dire situations of survival.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: You now recover 2 Void Points when using the Skill. 1 unskilled participant in a tea ceremony is considered to have 1 Skill Rank when participating with you.
Rank 7: You can now meditate for 4 hours to regain all of your normal Void Points, up to your Void Ring, as if you were just meditating for 1 hour.
Rank 10: You can now remain in a trance for 8 hours or more, gaining all the benefits of sleep as well as meditation. When fasting, the TN modifier is only 1 x the number of days without food.
Emphasis Abilities:
Tea Ceremony: The tea ceremony is far from simply brewing tea. It requires some time to complete, and an appropriate ritual location (a carefully tended garden, or a noble enclosure with a meditation chamber). It is a detailed ritual, designed to free the mind of outside concerns, thus liberating and cleansing it of distracting and impure thoughts. It takes about half an hour for you to perform, and requires a Meditation/Void Ring roll (TN 20). If successful, you and all the guests replenish a single Void Point. This is a Group roll, and cannot cover more guests than you have Void Ring Ranks. Use of this Emphasis is a Performance Skill.
Zanji: Zanji is a form of meditation that focuses more on the Chi around you than the Chi within. You must meditate for at least 5 minutes, then make a Meditation/Void roll (TN 15). If successful, you are aware of all sentient beings nearby (animals, humans, nezumi, etc.) within 10' x your Void. Distractions may add to the TN at the GM's discretion, and each Raise can increase the range by 10’. This ability lasts for 1 minute, +1 minute per Raise. You can negate the five minutes of mediation by spending a Void Point. That which is not alive, or connected to the Void in any way (i.e. has no Void Ring or its equivalent, such as Akasha or Ka), is not detected, making it useless against most Shadowlands monsters or even spirits. If you meditate for a full hour in zanji style, you will also gain a Free Raise on perception rolls for a number of hours equal to your Void Ring.
Mizu-do (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Specific Okuden
You are skilled in a hand-to-hand combat style that emphasizes defensive techniques over all others, especially joint locks, dodges, and throws. It is a closely held secret of the Doji and Kakita uji who invented it. Only Doji and Suzume samurai with 3 or more Ranks in a physical Performance Skill can learn Mizu-do.
Emphasis Abilities:
Bend Like a Reed (Okuden): As an Active Defense, you can escape a direct attack from a striking sword or staff weapon by making a Mizu-do/Reflexes roll (TN your opponent's Skill x 5).
Catch the Shadow (Okuden): As an Active Defense, you may make a contested Mizu-do/Reflexes roll against an attacker attempting to grapple you. If done as an Interrupt Action, it only costs you 1 Action die instead of two.
Dragon Claw (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks and 1 Okuden. You make a Mizu-do/Reflexes attack roll against an opponent's Agility x 5, plus Raises. The DR of the Dragon's Claw is XkX, where X is the number of Raises made on your roll. The damage from this attack is made mostly to incapacitate an opponent with a joint lock, targeting the opponent's nerve centers. It cannot reduce an opponent below the "Out" level, and the specific damage from this attack vanishes after 10 minutes. The target remains subdued and immobilized by the grip unless he spends an Action to make an Agility roll against your Mizu-do Skill x 5. An opponent must actually have joints for this technique to work.
The Farther You Fall (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks and 1 Okuden. This is one of the most common throws used by practitioners of mizu-do. As the opponent attacks, as an Active Defense you roll your Mizu-do/Reflexes (TN of your opponent's Skill x 5) in order to grab him and redirect his movement. This is a "sacrifice throw,", meaning you grab your opponent then fall on your back (making you prone), throwing him into the air with your feet and momentum. If the roll fails, the attack still occurs after you are prone. If successful, the target is thrown up to the attacker's Strength in yards in any direction, making the attack fail. The target must then make an Athletics/Agility roll (TN your Mizu-do Skill x 5, +5 per Raise made during the attack). If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes damage with a DR of 1k1 and is "stunned," losing his next action. In either case, he lands off his feet and is prone.
Thumb Wrench (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 2 Okuden. This is a painful joint lock. As an Active Defense, you make a Mizu-do/Reflexes roll (TN your opponent's Skill x 5, +3 Raises if foe is using a weapon). If successful, you disarm him and grab his thumb, wrenching his arm behind his back in a painful and debilitating joint lock. If the opponent wants to spend an action to escape or struggles in any way against the hold, he must make an Agility roll (TN your Mizu-do Skill Rank x 5). If unsuccessful or struggling, he does XkX Wounds to himself, where X is his own Strength (you do not add your Strength to this roll).
Flight of Dragons (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 3 Okuden. This throw shifts the opponent's body into a position where he will trip over his own momentum. As an Active Defense, you make a Mizu-do/Reflexes roll (TN opponent's Skill x 5). If successful, the target is knocked to the ground prone. The target must then make an Athletics/Agility roll (TN your Mizu-do Skill x 5, +5 per Raise made during the attack). If he succeeds, he takes no damage. If he fails, he takes damage with a DR of 1k1 (adding his own Strength instead of yours) and is "stunned", losing his next action.
Hammer of Earth (Okuden): Requires 7 Ranks and 3 Okuden. This is another "sacrifice throw." As an Active Defense, you make a Mizu-do/Reflexes roll (TN your opponent's Agility x 5) in order to grip the attacker. If unsuccessful, you fail and fall prone as the opponent continues his attack. If successful, you and your opponent both fall, ideally causing the opponent to land on the crown of his head. The opponent must make an Earth roll (TN 25) or lose consciousness for 1k1 rounds. Those with helmets do not need to make the Earth roll. The move has a DR of 0k1 to the opponent, and 1k1 (not adding Strength) to yourself.
Nezumi Lore (Low Skill) (Intelligence)
Emphases: Specific Tribe
You are skilled at identifying the patterns, fetishes, and pheromones that mark members of particular nezumi tribes and their great figures. It is difficult because humans are not sensitive enough for the scents that compromise a great deal of nezumi language, but you get by. With this Skill, you can mimic the Etiquette, Law, and Politics Skills when interacting with nezumi. For Hida samurai, this is considered a Bugei Skill.
Ninjutsu (Low Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Kuji-kiri, Metsubishi, Pincers and Tail, Specific Weapon
You know how to wield the traditional weapons of the ninja. The Skill covers a wide variety of unique and difficult weapons to master, but Ninjutsu training is very thorough. The Skill covers the following weapons: blowgun, lajatang, kamayari, neko-te, shinobi ashiko, shinobi-shuko, shuriken, and toami jutsu.
Emphasis Abilities:
Kuji-kiri: You must have both hands free to use this Emphasis, moving your hands in a mesmerizing pattern. You make a contested Kuji-kiri/Void roll against your opponent's Void roll. If you're successful, your opponent is dazed for 1 round for every point your Void Ring is higher than your opponent's (minimum one). While the target is dazed, he cannot move (though he can defend himself) and can barely speak coherently so long as he is not subjected to any immediate stress. Such stress would include, but not be limited to: an attempt to attack him, an ally "snapped him out of it" by yelling or shaking, etc. The target is completely aware of the world around him, he just cannot seem to react to it very well while under the effects of this Skill. You cannot attempt to use this Emphasis twice on the same target twice in one hour. If you don not have a Void Ring, you may substitute your Shadow Points. If you have neither, you cannot use the Skill, and it is ineffective against creatures without a Void Ring (or equivalent, such as Akasha or Ka) or without an intelligent mind (like animals or Shadowlands madmen).
Metsubishi: The art of crafting and using metsubishi, powders, dusts, and related compounds used to distract or blind.
Pincers and Tail: This is a unique polearm with opposite facing, curved blades used by the Bayushi. It requires this unique Emphasis to wield, and only Bayushi samurai may learn this weapon and treat it as a Bugei Skill.
Nofujutsu (Merchant Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Specific Weapon
You know how to wield the traditional weapons of the peasantry. This Skill covers the following weapons: the jitte, kama, nunchaku, sai, sling, tankoji, tonfa, and whip. Wielding any of these weapons as a primary weapon by a samurai is considered a Low Skill, except for ronin, Yoritomo and Kasuga samurai.
Oratory (High Skill) (Awareness/Performance)
Emphases: Bragging, Jesting, Poetry, Rhetoric, Storytelling
You are a skilled and versatile speaker, able to weave a spellbinding tale or impassioned speech with your words and gestures. Storytelling is used to entertain, boast, and maintain an oral history, especially among the omoidasu, of Hachigoku's earliest days and myths. The Skill applies to both the spoken and written word respectively. The TN for an average story is 15, although a particularly tough audience may require an opposed roll, with the critic using Oratory/Perception. When writing a story, letter, or treatise, you roll once and the TN is permanent, although you may discard past versions for a revised edition.
You are also skilled in all forms of poetry in Hachigoku, particularly the haiku in its 5-7-5 syllable form and its 5-7-5-5-7 syllable form, as well as the four-line form favored by the Shinsei no Shinden and the odd "travel poetry" of the Shinjo uji.
Emphasis Abilities:
Jesting: Jesting is the province of the jesters, those dancing figures meandering through court and mocking everything in sight. Unlike the traditional Western jesters, jesters in Hachigoku are much more subtle than wacky, and a lot more sarcastic and sardonic. They sing, dance, tell stories, quote the Tao just a little wrong, and make sure you know when you've acted inappropriately. They speak in rhymes and foretell doom to those who mock them back.
Performance (High Skill) (Varies)
Emphases: Dance, Kabuki, Mimicry, Music, Noh, Puppeteering, Song
This is a catch-all category for a variety of different Skills, each covered under different Emphases. Unlike most Skills, you only have skilled knowledge and ability in those arts you have an Emphasis for. The Performance Skill usually uses Awareness, but can use other Traits, especially Agility, in certain situations. The TN for an average performance is 15, but a tough audience may require an opposed roll. Critics use Investigation (Notice)/Perception or Performance (appropriate Emphasis)/Perception to find flaws in your portrayal. When several performers are performing at once, all significant contributors must make a Group roll.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 1: You gain a free Emphasis in the Skill.
Emphasis Abilities:
Dance: There are two styles of dancing in Rokugan: court dancing and peasant dancing. Court dances are stately and elegant, and almost exclusively performed by noble women, though men of the Kakita artisans are often skilled dancers, as are kabuki actors. Peasant dances are lively and celebratory, performed by both genders.
Kabuki: This gives you a working knowledge of kabuki theatre and even the training as an actor of the style, one of the two main forms of drama in Hachigoku. It tends to be loud, garish, and wild, with elaborate costumes and sets.
Mimicry: You can disguise your voice. Attempts to mimic particular voices or nonhuman, even inanimate sounds, may require Raises. With 2 or more Raises, you can also “throw” your voice.
Music: This gives you the knowledge and ability to play and compose the music of Hachigoku. This covers everything from simple peasant songs to court orchestras. For each rank in this Skill, you also know how to play an instrument, such as: biwa (wide-bodied flute); fue (long, bamboo flute); hichiriki (double-reeded flute); koto (zither); sanisen (lute / banjo); san-ko (drum triad); taiko (huge drums). Because the instrumentalist must have good manual dexterity and a fine sense of tempo, pitch, and harmony, all rolls when playing an instrument use the lower of your Agility or Awareness Traits.
Noh: Noh is the primary form of drama among the samurai caste, and emphasizes strong but controlled emotions, drama and tragedy, and minimal stage construction. Most performers wear either masks or facepaint that indicates their status and emotional state, making it a particular favorite in Sasorigoku.
Puppeteering: You are skilled in puppeteering, a popular form of drama and entertainment among the lower castes of Hachigoku society, but the finest practitioners are also enjoyed by the samurai caste.
Song: You have a gifted voice and skill at writing lyrics, including flowery court songs, earthy peasant folk songs, and even monastic chanting.
Poison (Low Skill) (Intelligence/Craft)
Emphases: Specific Poison
You know how to create and apply poisons. The TN to identify and create poisons depends upon their specific TN's.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: You gain a Free Raise on all Medicine Rolls to create antidotes.
Rank 5: You gain a Free Raise on all Medicine Rolls to create antidotes.
Rank 7: You gain a Free Raise on all Medicine Rolls to create antidotes.
Politics (High Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Gossip, Manipulation, Maneuvering, Mon Heraldry, Specific Uji or Organization
You understand the intricacies of court life, and are able to discern who holds the real power and how to deal with them. Along with Etiquette, this is the most important Skill in the teishin's arsenal. A Politics (Maneuvering)/Awareness roll (TN 15) will give you a good idea as to who holds the reigns of power in the court, with an opposed Etiquette/Awareness roll by those attempting to disguise their influence.
This Skill can also be used to manipulate others. With a Politics (Manipulation)/Awareness roll, contested with an Etiquette/Awareness roll, you can determine the needs and desires of another. With the proper Emphasis and a Raise, your target will not realize he has revealed anything, if successful.
Gossip is highly frowned upon at court, and eagerly expected. This Skill can be used by you in two ways: to learn the latest rumors or to spread them. To hunt down rumors about a specific topic, you must spend a day at court discussing the particular topic, and make a Politics (Gossip)/Awareness roll (TN 15). If the roll succeeds, you learn one juicy rumor. You can state one true thing about those at court; additional Raises of course can embellish this rumor. This will not necessarily make the rumor useful. To spread rumors about a target, you must spend a day in court discussing the target, and then make a Politics (Gossip)/Awareness roll (TN equal to difference between yours and the target's Glory Rank x 10, to a minimum of 10); To spread rumors about a topic, the TN is 15. If you have the proper Emphasis, you can make a Raise to conceal the fact you are the hunting or spreading rumors.
Emphasis Abilities:
Mon Heraldry: You are familiar with the mon (symbols) of the uji, and specific samurai of the realm. Recognizing a mon you can closely study requires a Politics/Intelligence roll with a varying TN. Recognizing one from a distance (especially those on the banners of commanding samurai in an army) requires a Politics/Perception roll, but all TN's are increased by +5. When trying to examine another's mon, you do not need to try and discover everything about the mon. You can attempt to only figure out certain information about it, such as the Glory Rank of the samurai or just his family name.
Great Uji Mon
Lesser Uji Mon
Vassal Uji Mon
Otokodate Mon
Personal Mon
Glory Rank of Samurai
Status of Samurai
Stricken from Miya Registries
Resplendent Crane Yarijutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Yari, Okuden
Originally a series of kata practiced by Daidoji bushi, the maneuvers became an official martial art almost overnight after impressing a Steel Champion. The Skill teaches only one weapon: the yari. It is a graceful art and often seen as a mirror reflection of Mizu-do. It is most widely studied by samurai of Zuichougoku, especially among the Tsume uji.
Emphasis Abilities:
Keep Your Enemies Far (Okuden): Requires 3 Ranks. On your Action (but without using an Action), you can give up the Yari Emphasis bonus to your attack rolls, then add your Skill Rank to your TN to be Hit until your next Action. You must be wielding a yari to do so.
Remain Near Yet Far (Okuden): Requires 5 Ranks and 1 Okuden. You continue to gain the polearm Initiative bonus for the entire skirmish when wielding a yari.
The Crane Takes Flight (Special Technique): Requires 7 Ranks and 2 Okuden. Once per Action, when you successfully strike an opponent with your yari, you can immediately attack again with the butt of the yari as you spin it around. This does damage as a bo staff.
Sailing (Merchant Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphases: Navigation, Sea of Shadows, Swimming, Weather, Specific Ship
You are skilled in the lore of the sea and working on a boat. You can use this Skill not only to handle a boat but also to identify seascapes and marine life and survive the rigors of the sea, like storms.
Emphasis Abilities:
Navigation: Using stars, triangulation, and memory, you can plot lengthy journeys through unmapped lands and seas with your Intelligence, or use Perception to find your way to recognizable landmarks within no reference point (such as being left blindfolded in an unknown forest).
Sea of Shadows: The Sea of Shadows, the coastal waters off of the Shadowlands between Hachigoku and the Ivory Kingdoms, are a dangerous and chaotic realm. Sailing through them requires a specialized knowledge.
Specific Ship: Choose a specific ship. You gain the Skill rank bonus on all rolls involving Sailing while on board that kind of ship.
Shadowlands Lore (Low Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphases: Goblin Lore, Lost Lore, Oni Lore, Shadowlands Geography, Tsuno Lore
You know the creatures, history, and dangers of the Shadowlands. Learning this Skill is not dishonorable. The only Honor loss is displaying knowledge of the Shadowlands when there is no obvious need to do so. Hida samurai, however, do not consider even that dishonorable, and consider it a Bugei Skill in all ways. For the Hida, the need for it is always obvious.
Sincerity (High Skill) (Awareness)
Emphases: Apologies, Intimidation, Lying, Misdirection, Seduction
Samurai rarely respect the truth. They respect sincerity, but they abhor lies. An enigma wrapped in a conundrum. This Skill is used to compel others to believe that which is untrue, and the ability to appear to believe it is true yourself. Only the vulgar truly lie; it is far better to avoid the truth or a shameful reply. It also very important when apologizing to reduce Glory losses caused by actions towards others.
When used to cloak the truth, it is usually an opposed roll against the listener’s Investigation/Perception. If you are lying about something that the listener has knowledge of (such as a Lore Skill), he can use that Skill instead. The same rules apply if it is an outright lie, but then its use is considered a Low Skill.
This Skill is also used to seduce others. Honorable samurai do not act seductively; they imply the fulfillment of desire in return for compliance. Although it is often a matter of the flesh, it is essentially a matter of offering others that they desire to meet your own ends. Seduction usually involves an opposed Sincerity (Seduction)/Awareness roll against the target's Etiquette/Willpower. If the seduction is overt, or fails in any case, its use is considered a Low Skill.
Sincerity can also be Intimidation, the manipulation of others through threats; you are very good at looking very bad and making people believe in your worst capabilities. Keep in mind that the promise of outright violence requires no roll; either you are intimidated by the blood-soaked Hida bearing the well-used tetsubo or you aren’t, and likely is a dishonorable attempt. The Intimidation Emphasis denotes subtle coercion, threatening the target with dangers not readily apparent. Of course, the Hida could still use the Skill to look even more threatening than he actually is. Usually, this is a Sincerity (Intimidation)/Willpower roll vs. Investigation/Perception (if they don’t believe your threats) or Sincerity/Willpower (if they want to counter with bravado).
Sleight of Hand (Merchant Skill) (Agility/Performance)
Emphases: Conceal, Escape, Pick Pockets, Prestidigitation
You are skilled at palming items, picking pockets, and other acts of prestidigitation. This usually involves an opposed Sleight of Hand/Agility roll against the viewer's Investigation/Perception roll.
Emphasis Abilities:
Escape: You may use this Skill to escape bonds. This is a Sleight of Hand/Agility roll (TN 15 for simple ropes, TN 25 for chains or manacles, higher TN’s for higher quality bonds).
Prestidigitation: You may use the Skill to manipulate objects in an entertaining way. You can put on simple magic shows, making coins disappear or moving objects from hand to hand.
Spellcraft (High Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphases: Counterspell, Maho, Mizugusuri, Nemuranai, Sense, Spell Research, Tejina, Tsangusuri, Specific Element, Specific Shugenja Discipline
You understand the fundamental aspects of Rokugani magic and the elements. This covers not only the general knowledge of magic and spells, but also allows you to sense magic in use and to counter its use if you are a shugenja.
You also use this Skill when learning new spells from other shugenja, if you are capable of using magic. When you wish to learn a new spell, you can learn it from a teacher or a by studying a scroll the spell is written on. You can do this by spending a Season Action. At the end of the Season, you make a Spellcraft roll, keeping dice equal to your Ring Rank in the element. The base TN is the Mastery Level of the spell x 5. The TN is further modified by the following factors:
-5 TN: Close friend or relative teaching you or made the scroll.
+0 TN: Scroll/teacher is from the same Discipline as you.
+10 TN: Scroll/teacher is from a different Discipline as you.
+20 TN: Scroll/teacher has an alien mindset (maho-tsukai, ishiken, etc.).
Emphasis Abilities:
Counterspell: In order to counter a spell being cast you must be aware of it (such as sensing it using this Skill or watching it being cast). You may attempt to counter a spell as it is being cast (if the casting takes multiple actions), or immediately as it is being cast as an Active Defense. You must make a Spellcraft roll, keeping dice equal to your Ring of the element of the spell with a TN equal to the original spellcasting roll. This ability can only counter magic that you can cast and use, so only a maho-tsukai could counter a maho spell.
Mizugusuri: You are skilled at making mizugusari, or magical potions, binding the kami to the elixirs to provide magical effects. Only Agasha and Tamori shugenja can learn this Emphasis. Making mizugusuri requires a Season Action.
Sense: You can also use Spellcraft to sense magic as it is being cast, if it is not automatically obvious. To do so, you must be within a certain proximity dependent upon the Mastery Level of the spell, and then must make a Spellcraft/Awareness roll (TN of the caster's Spellcraft rank x his Awareness). If successful, you know the general location of the spell, have an idea of its power (i.e. Mastery Level), and its element. You gain a Free Raise to your roll if it is a spell you know and another Free Raise if it is an Innate Ability of yours. You can only sense magic (not just spells) you are capable of casting.
1 Mile
5 Miles
Spell Research: You must have this Emphasis to create new spells. You can use this Skill to create new spells or create spells that already exist on your own, effectively learning them without a scroll to study or teacher to learn from. When creating a new spell, the time required is a Season Action per the spell's intended Mastery Level. Then you must make a Spellcraft roll, keeping whichever Ring the spell you are researching uses. If the spell is a multi-element spell, use the higher of the Rings used. The base TN is the Mastery Level of the spell x 10, with the following modifiers:
Discipline's Affinity.
Discipline's Deficiency.
10 spells of this Element already known.
Spell has unusual requirement.
Spell previously existent.
Spell is defensive.
Spell does damage.
Tsangusuri: You are skilled at making minor nemuranai fetishes known as tsangusari, a specialty of Asahina shugenja. These fetishes create magical effects but are ruined after their first use. Only Asahina shugenja can learn this Emphasis.
Stealth (Low Skill) (Agility)
Emphases: Ambush, Disguise, Shadowing, Sneaking, Spellcasting
You know how to move quietly through the shadows and avoid detection, and how to move through a crowd of people unobtrusively. This usually involves an opposed Stealth/Agility roll against the viewer's Investigation/Perception roll.
You may also use the Skill to find areas where a large number of people can be hidden easily. Upon finding a suitable place, you can make a Stealth roll (with the Ambush Emphasis if you have it) for a number of people up to your Skill Rank. If any of these allies moves from their assigned place, they must use their own Stealth Skill to remain unseen.
You can also use the Skill to shadow people, not truly hiding but following them unnoticed. This can only be done in crowded areas, usually urban, but doesn’t require a hiding place.
Sneaking is the most common application of the Skill, and requires some form of shadow or cover to be effective. While sneaking you may only move half your maximum normal speed and remain unnoticed (this is a complex action, so you can’t attack while sneaking).
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 5: You may now move one-third your normal speed while sneaking.
Rank 7: You may now hide a number of allies up twice your Skill Rank when setting up an ambush.
Rank 10: You may move normally while sneaking (although attacking or other obvious interaction with the environment negates the Skill).
Emphasis Abilities:
Spellcasting: Only shugenja can learn this Emphasis, since it is used specifically to cast magic unnoticed. Hiding a spell from view is a Stealth/Awareness roll (TN 15). This TN assumes that no one is paying particular attention to the shugenja. If someone is watching the shugenja, then the viewer can make an opposed Investigation/Perception roll. Some spells, especially any that produce a change in the caster’s appearance (such as drastically different illusions, auras, shapechangeing, etc.) or emanate from the caster in an obvious fashion (weapon spells, fireballs, elemental circles, etc.), are just too obvious or flashy to conceal (“What? No, sama, this isn’t my Katana of Fire...”).
Subojutsu (Bugei Skills) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Specific Weapon
You know how to wield large crushing weapons. This covers the following weapons: the die tsuchi, tetsubo, masakari, and ono.
Sumai (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Karate)
Emphases: Block, Dance, Grappling, Shove, Throws
This is a common form of ritualized competition and a hand-to-hand combat style emphasizing wrestling and shoving.
Fore more information on this Skill, see the Hand-to-Hand Combat rules.
Tantojutsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Specific Weapon
You know how to wield knives and similar weapons. The Skill covers: the tanto, aiguchi, parangu, and spine dagger.
Theology (High Skill) (Intelligence / Lore)
Emphases: Ancestor Worship, Folk Magic, Fortunism, Shintao, Specific Spirit Realm
You have studied the religions of Hachigoku, learning about the kami and the Fortunes as well as studying the mysteries of the Tao of Shinsei. You are able to discuss both matters of philosophy and enlightenment, as well as the religious history of Hachigoku's rituals and prayers associated with the worship of the Fortunes and kami.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 3: You gain a Free Raise on social rolls when dealing with shugenja or gakusho.
Rank 5: If you have the Shintao Emphasis, you can now have Traits and Rings above Rank 5.
Rank 7: You gain a Free Raise on social rolls when dealing when dealing with shugenja, gakusho, maho-tsukai, spirits, or other creatures from beyond the mortal realm.
Emphasis Abilities:
Specific Spirit Realm: Choose 1 of the 11 known Spirit Realms to be focussed on: Ningen-do (Realm of Mortals), Chikushido (Realm of Animals), Gaki-do (Realm of Hungry Dead), Jigoku (Realm of Evil), Maigo no Musha (Realm of Lost Heroes), Meido (Realm of the Dead), Sakkaku (Realm of Mischief), Toshigoku (Realm of Slaughter), Yomi (Realm of Blessed Ancestors), Yume-do (Realm of Dreams), or Tengoku (The Celestial Heavens).
Underworld (Low Skill) (Intelligence/Lore)
Emphases: Kolat Lore, Ninja Lore, Scrounging, Smuggling, Wako Lore, Specific Region
You know your way around Hachigoku's criminal society, including the major bandit gangs, smuggling cartels, and pirate organizations. You may use this Skill to arrange a meeting with criminals, find sources of illegal goods, or identify who seems to be a criminal mastermind or common thug in an area. Knowledge gained through this Skill is reliable, but based on rumor and hearsay and thus cannot be used to convict a criminal of a crime in and of itself. If you are a metsuke, you can use this Skill without losing Honor, but only in the interests of justice.
Yarijtsu (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Knockdown, Parry, Specific Weapon
You know how to wield spear-like polearms. This covers: the yari, kamayari, nagamaki, nage-yari, naginata, shikomi-zue (bladed), sodegarmi, or umayari.
Mastery Abilities:
Rank 7: You gain a +1k0 damage bonus against mounted or much larger opponents when using Yarijutsu.
Yomanri (Bugei Skill) (Agility/Bujutsu)
Emphases: Fletcher, Yabusame, Specific Weapon
You know how to fire a yumi or dai-kyu in the Shinjo or gaijin way. It relies on aim and precision, instead of the traditional way of making the warrior and arrow “one.” You can spend an Action to do nothing but aim, aiming for a number of Actions up to your Yomanri Skill, and gaining a Free Raise for each Action spent. You cannot use this Skill to aim while on horseback, and a moving target halves the number of Actions (round down) that you can aim.
Like other samurai, even the Shinjo have adopted the practice of carrying their bows unstrung, and then assembling them quickly for battle. If carried with the bowstrings in place, the strings can wear out and lose their tension, making the bow less powerful and the strings prone to breakage. Assembling a bow takes 2 simple Actions. Readying it can be done in 1 complex Action with a Yomanri/Agility roll (TN 15).
Emphasis Abilities:
Fletcher: This is the craft of making arrows. Making specialty arrows instead of normal ya arrows requires 2 Raises. After a battle in which you have fired arrows, you may use this Skill, keeping your Perception Trait. For every 5 points of your total roll, you recover 1 arrow in reusable condition.
Yabusame: Ranged attacks from horseback have a +10 TN penalty without the Yabusame Emphasis. You must have at least 1 Rank of the Bajutsu Skill to take this Emphasis.
As with 'qualities', I can't really comment on individual skills until I've had a proper look through. Resplendent Crane Yarijutsu is an interesting concept, though. Have you considered doing something similar for any other styles of fighting?
ReplyDeleteAlso, will need to wait until I see Okuden to comment on that side of things. I quite like only letting skills apply to insight at R3, and in general giving every skill mastery bonuses, although I'm not quite sure that this is how I'd do it.
The Resplendent Crane Yarijutsu, and a few others, were from Way of the Open Hand (d20/2E) originally. They've managed to survive the various incarnations of house rules I've done, and are appearing again. Which reminds me I should go back through that book and see if there are any other I want to reintroduce in this different rules framework. Interesting thought. I may save that for Phase 2.
ReplyDeleteI liked the idea 3E had of Mastery Level bonus that were both universal and some specific, so I went with a mix, usually vastly whittling down the Mastery stuff that was just too much LOOK HOW MUCH MORE AWESOMER I AM! And toning them down just in general mostly so as a Player you didn't have to suddenly grab the rules thinking "I know I have some kind of bonus here... where is it..." They should be easy to memorize, or easily incorporated staticly into your character sheet, or rare situations.
And spellcasting is probably going to get some major overhauls, even after this version of the Spellcraft Skill. not satisfied. And after doing some work on the Season Actions, I can already see some edits that have to go in...